Scan to Google Sheets

Take control of your classroom

Identify students through QR or barcodes.
Simply scan with your mobile device.
Live sync the data with your Google Sheets.

Track attendance

Turning up is a key to success in education. Fortunately, keeping track of attendance has never been easier. Create accountability and store your records securely in the cloud.

Contact Tracing

Ensuring student safety is any school's highest priority. One of the most important tools in pandemic management plans is contract tracing.
Implement scalable safety protocols in mere minutes.

PBIS systems

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) integrates data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day.
PBIS helps schools create a positive climate in which every student can learn and grow.
Create schools where all students succeed.

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Find out how Scan to Google Sheets empowers educators around the world to deliver a more effective teaching experience.

Trusted by educational institutions around the world

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