Abaarso School of Science & Technology
Attendance tracking at Abaarso School of Science & Technology
Powering innovation during Covid-19
With the epidemic came a lot of uncertainty, but our team at the Abaarso School of Science & Technology took it as an opportunity to rebuild our academic program and the operational systems of the school. One of those systems that needed revamping involved students’ ability to sign in to different spaces on campus. In late March, we began looking at different opportunities and landed on the idea of student ID cards.
Now, every student will have an ID card printed at the school, laminated, and attached to a lanyard. The students can choose from a variety of study hall periods to attend without needing to register in advance. By scanning their QR code we are able to upload the students’ data to a spreadsheet, where we can organize it and even conduct analytics on student attendance.

Affordable access to cloud technology
None of this would be possible without “Scan to Google Sheets”. With this technology, our teachers, admin, and staff are able to sign students in to a variety of spaces on campus. This saved us considerable funds when compared with buying a barcode scanner, something that would be an additional liability and limited in quantity. Further, other QR code scanning software options only allow for saving data on the local memory bank. “Scan to Google Sheets” allows us to upload directly to GSuite, the platform our organization revolves around. Now, our teachers can be located all around the school signing students in at the same time.
Beyond study hall, one of the greatest uses of the technology is being able to have students leave and return to campus without calling to inform admin. We recently hired a watchman who will be chiefly in charge of signing students in and checking to make sure no student leaves campus unnoticed. This technology will allow us to keep a record of this in a seamless manner.

Exciting opportunities for academic excellence
On a more personal note, our students have expressed their excitement for their ID cards as a badge that represents being a part of a progressive cause. Technology is quickly adapted in Somali culture despite being on the most fragile states in the World. With technological adaptation comes a certain level of respect. This demonstrates that our school is indeed one of the best in the region, not just for the scholarships students are able to receive from top Ivy League schools, but from the systems we implement at the school.
Finally, for our faculty, administration, and students this also offers a unique chance for identifying students by name even when they do not interact on campus. As students walk around on campus, sporting their IDs, a teacher can quickly glance to see their name and grade level.
Overall, this system is allowing us to excel operationally, academically (with more options for study hall), in student life, and adding to teacher well-being. We are proud to be able to partner with “Scan to Google Sheets” to take our school to the next level and look forward to the year to come.
Connor Method
Faculty & Dean of the Sophomore Class
Abaarso School of Science & Technology